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PostSubject: .!:core:!.   .!:core:!. Icon_minitimeJune 21st 2008, 7:44 pm

Name ; Watz Verilion

Zanpakutou ; Name is Sangre (Spanish for Blood) It is a long slender red sword. Very thin to the point. It is easily carried and does not look frietening.

Resureccion ; To start his resureccion he may state: Bleed it out, Sangre. When he states this his sword melts into blood and the blood flys to his face creating a mask. He also has full manipulation of his own blood and blood spilled by the opponent (Note: This does not mean he can like rip the blood from their bodys. Just means he can use the blood that came out of them alredy.) If he uses too much of his own blood he becomes skelatel looking. With a dry body that looks frail. But he can use the blood around him to use as his own blood and continuefighting. He has glands that rapid produce blood on his back. if he needs an extra burst they open spilling out their contents to the ground.
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